The Gardens: A Hudson Yards Exhibition

The Gardens, an interactive sculpture exhibition commissioned by Hudson Yards kicked off in September, the same weekend as my father’s stroke. We had the chance to refresh it this week and I’m happy with the way it turned out. Experience the four pillars of discovery: sight, sound, scent, & light. Take in a moment of calm, inhale the scents of lavender and eucalyptus, zen out to the sounds of crashing waves in our rose quartz pools and explore the virtual portal through QR codes while enjoying the tunes we curated just for you!

A few months ago, Azad asked me which direction I wanted to take Flower Bodega in and I said: “I want to be invited to create our own exhibition.” Here we are… pinch me.

Many thanks to our friends at Hudson Yards and Auster Agency and to our flower friends who rallied through the night with us to create this experience. We love you!